I'm sorry for not making any updates on my blog for quite a long time. When my final exams finished, my Ukrainian friend came here for a week and we had a great time travelling in Poland (that was one of not very numerous opportunities to see some other cities in my own country for me) :) Today I'm going to take my favorite 24 hours train trip in about 2 hours... So, like it or not, it's a railway day on my blog! :) I decided to take you on a train trip on 5 continents... And I hope you'll enjoy it at least a bit :) I understand that some of you may not enjoy travelling by trains as much as I do, but I really feel there's something fascinating about the railways and I want to share it with you :)

Actually, I saw this card for the first time on
Ana's blog. I'm not one of those people who must have what others have, but in this special case I decided to ask Karina from Brazil if she had one more card like this ;)
Of course, Ukrainian raliways aren't so breathtaking... But I'm looking forward to taking an Ukrainian train tomorrow very much,it's always a great pleasure for me :)) I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay in Kyiv... But first I have to catch the Polish train to get to the border (just 520 kms away from here) ;) So see you next week! :)
Так ти колекціонуєш потяги?
Tak, kolekcionuyu :))) Pyshu z vokzalu, 4ekayu na spravzhniy potyah :)))
It's nice to know you enjoyed the postcard, Ksenia. Have a good trip :)
угу) потягів багато:) а українські залізниці точно не гірші за європейські, а то і кращі:) в них хоч поспати нормально можна
Amazing locomotive train pictures.
Piękna kartka.. już sobie wyobrażam jazdę tym pociągiem! Aż ciarki przechodzą!
P.S. Zapraszam na mój blog, wyjątkowo nie po to by pooglądać kartki, ale żeby przeczytać i podyskutować o problemie (czy wogóle taki istnieje) niechęci Rosjan do Polaków. Zobacz czego "doświadczyłem"
^sory za spam
You have some really lovely postcards here on your blog!
I have only recently joined Postcrossing, but am thoroughly enjoying it. I have a couple of nice train postcards that I bought from a local store last week, if ever you would like to exchange with me - please let me know!
I am in Tasmania, Australia,
Have a lovely week!
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